Saturday, January 4, 2014

Party 101

Dear Classy Cats,
With the old year behind us and a new year to look forward to that means new parties! Everyone loves a good party and when you are a girlfriend of a frat boy there is always something to do on a Friday or Saturday night. Frat parties are notorious for cheap beer and loud music, but some of them can be really fun. Since my boyfriend belongs to a small frat the parties are reasonably sized. I like these sizes because I know a majority of the people attending, with the occasional stranger.

If you have never been to a frat party there are a few things to keep in mind:
  • Wear comfortable shoes! You will be dancing literally all night so you don't to have to sit out the rest of the night because of blisters. I like to wear neon yellow flats that I bought from Khole's for about $10. They are comfortable and a fun color to get me in the mood to dance the night away. These shoes will also come in handy if you end up walking to or from the party house. 
  • Eat and hydrate before you go! These parties are not meant for people to eat and chill out. I try to eat dinner plus a power bar before I go out (the parties usually start at 10:00 or 11:00). Drinking a lot of water will also help you through the night. 
  • Dance dance dance!! If the guy playing DJ is doing a good job he will play all the good hits (Rap, Pop, Electric and maybe a little Country). Unleash your inner Beyonsé and get on the the  floor! If you are not comfortable twerking or grinding just jump around and have a good time.
  • Lastly Be careful of where your get your  drinks. If you don't know/ trust the guys hosting the party the best bet is to go with a caned drink (if you want to have a drink). If you don't want to drink that is totally your decision, no one should push you to drink if you are not comfortable with it.
I hope theses few points will help if you are new to the college party scene or just want a refresher for the new year.

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