Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Rush for Rush.

Dear Classy Cats,
A new semester means that Spring Rush will soon be upon us. Rush occurs at the beginning of each semester and is a time for fraternities to get new people (start a new pledge class). Fall Rush is usually bigger and more widely know than Spring. During Rush Week the fraternities will host get-togethers and parties, for girlfriends this means meeting a bunch of new people. Most of the meetings and get-togethers will be just for the potential guys and the guys already in the frat so don't freak if you are not invited to every get-together. At the end of the week the frat will choose X number of guys that they want to be in a pledge class. The guys in the frat will give out a "Bid" to each guys they want and the guy can either take it or leave it. This usually happens behind close doors, so if your guy disappears for a little bit he is probably doing frat stuff. After the bids have been given out there will probably be a party to celebrate the new comers. For me it takes a bit to remember everyone's name so the best way to remember is to have your boyfriend introduce you to each guy and if you don't remember a name just ask.  Happy Rushing!

Party 101

Dear Classy Cats,
With the old year behind us and a new year to look forward to that means new parties! Everyone loves a good party and when you are a girlfriend of a frat boy there is always something to do on a Friday or Saturday night. Frat parties are notorious for cheap beer and loud music, but some of them can be really fun. Since my boyfriend belongs to a small frat the parties are reasonably sized. I like these sizes because I know a majority of the people attending, with the occasional stranger.

If you have never been to a frat party there are a few things to keep in mind:
  • Wear comfortable shoes! You will be dancing literally all night so you don't to have to sit out the rest of the night because of blisters. I like to wear neon yellow flats that I bought from Khole's for about $10. They are comfortable and a fun color to get me in the mood to dance the night away. These shoes will also come in handy if you end up walking to or from the party house. 
  • Eat and hydrate before you go! These parties are not meant for people to eat and chill out. I try to eat dinner plus a power bar before I go out (the parties usually start at 10:00 or 11:00). Drinking a lot of water will also help you through the night. 
  • Dance dance dance!! If the guy playing DJ is doing a good job he will play all the good hits (Rap, Pop, Electric and maybe a little Country). Unleash your inner Beyonsé and get on the the  floor! If you are not comfortable twerking or grinding just jump around and have a good time.
  • Lastly Be careful of where your get your  drinks. If you don't know/ trust the guys hosting the party the best bet is to go with a caned drink (if you want to have a drink). If you don't want to drink that is totally your decision, no one should push you to drink if you are not comfortable with it.
I hope theses few points will help if you are new to the college party scene or just want a refresher for the new year.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Meet and Great

Dear Classy Cats,
First things first when you are meeting your man's frat for the first time be cool and confident. I know it can be intimidating walking into a big house full of random dudes you have never met before, but if you just stick to these simple tips you will become one of the coolest girlfriends.
  • Strike up a convo with of of the guys you are introduced to. Ask about majors, classes, sports and/or movies that have come out. If you have a brother just think about things you would talk about with him, if not don't worry chances are the guys want to get to know you as an extension of their fellow bro. 
  • Don't be a bump on a log. The guys want to be nice and get to know you, but if you don't seem interested in getting to know them it will not go far. Try to act interested (even if they are boring you to tears) a warm attitude will invite people not the cold shoulder.
  • Join in on a game they are playing. Most guys love to gather round and play a round of Super Smash Brothers, pool, corn hole or table tennis. These games are geared towards multiple players so the more the merrier. Never touched a video game or pool cue in your life? no worries, as long a s you try and seemed open to critiques you will earn major GF points. 
  • EAT some food! This isn't your grandmothers tea party, they will either have catering or a guy grilling out for every one. Don't be shy get in there and get your share, or else you may be left starving. 
  • Dress casual, again you will be hanging out with a bunch of dudes, no need for Gucci pumps or tight minis. My favorite go to pieces for cooler occasions  are dark wash skinny jeans (mine are from American Eagle), relaxed fit t-shirt (PINK or GAP are comfortable), any color cardigan (some of my favorites are from Target and Forever 21), cute scarf or necklace, and tennis shoes (I prefer my high top converse). For warmer occasions I prefer strappy sandals (mine are brown leather from Chinese Laundry), jean or khaki shorts (Old Navy ones fit me the best and are reasonably priced), t-shirt or tank, top off with your favorite jewelry and sun glasses. 
  • Meet some fellow GFs the other guys will probably invite their girlfriends over as well so you won't be the only one there without a Y chromosome.  Meeting fellow GF can ease the stress of meeting the whole frat. Plus the girls have been in the same place as you so they understand how you are feeling. 
Just remember, meeting the frat is like meeting the family. Keep these things in mind and you will be golden (or in my case silver)

First Hello

Dear Classy Cats, 
The point of this blog is to educate and enlighten people on what all happens in Greek life, for those of us who are not members ourselves. In 2012 my boyfriend became a member of a  fraternity at the University of Kentucky, I (not being in a sorority) had no idea about Greek life. From painting coolers for formals to meeting the guys in his frat (to quote Aladdin) it was a whole new world. I know for some the thought of the Greek community can be intimidating, but with the right tips and tricks you will be charming your way right through to Founders Day (don't know what Founders Day is? Don't worry I'll cover that later). I hope to update this as often as possible so please stick with me, this is after all my first blog.